Diane Marie Chaudiere, Fiber Artist

Diane Marie Chaudiere was born in Seattle, and has created art from an early age. She is entirely self taught and compulsively motivated to create.

Her love of nature and animals, experiences as back-country horseback rider, as a SCUBA diver, and time spent outdoors shape much of her imagery. As she would say: Her backyard is her living room.

She studied both marine science and graphic design in college, and has made her career as a graphic designer. Seattle locals will recognize her work for multinational companies and even on Metro buses.

While developing her artistic craft, Diane explored art in 2 dimensions: painting, batik, stained glass, embroidery, and pen drawing. Her work in 3-dimensional art began with elaborate costumes for her sons, for which she is well recognized. In 2009 she began producing works using 3D techniques she developed for the fine art you see today.

In this new medium she explores techniques that are outside the main-stream realm of art, and capture the beauty and detail of natural life.

Diane Marie Chaudiere's art has been exhibited in juried and invitational shows, received awards, published in books and magazines, and is in private collections.